I finally got around to reading Dragons, Deserts, and Dreams—wow! 

I finally got around to reading Dragons, Deserts, and Dreams—wow! Not quite what I expected, yet much more than I hoped. The darker themes were challenging but meaningful, as I assume they were to you. The juxtaposition of them against the lighter topics and happier subjects made the book compelling. I especially enjoyed the Silhouette in Bagni di Lucca and its off-the-beaten-path message intertwined within your life story. Also, I appreciated the evocative metaphor of Jacob’s Bridge Across Time and another glimpse into your family history.

Other favorites of mine include your sad self-portrait, Who’s that Pretty Girl in White?; your ode to PM Gillard—or was it a lament?—The Glass Ceiling; and your other ode: to Cleopatra. Cats are special, are they not? Of the artwork, my favorite is Howqua Sunset. The artist doesn’t replicate nature—she interprets it. As I admire your interpretation, I am there—in the sunset—not just seeing but feeling it. Thank you.

I must add that as I read That Day, I marveled at your imagery of winged freedom, so much better prose than mine. Frankly, until I read that, I felt a sadness for what you have endured. I am so relieved sadness was the journey, not the destination for you. I have often thought that if I could go back in time, I would want to go back to meet a young Dorothy Parker, to before she had been battered by life, but then I wonder if without the pain and suffering, would she be the Dorothy Parker we know. I think the world would have been better with a happy but unknown Dorothy, even at the loss of her wit. I know Dorothy would have been. I am glad you are happy – D J Paolini Author USA.


Dragons, Deserts and Dreams updated 2nd edition (2020)

Now available 

in Kindle e book and paperback here at AMAZON

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