
Tag Archives: Middle East

I am currently re-reading this book published in 1987. It documents the establishment of ‘Israel’ and its progress over a 40 year period from 1948 to 1988. The mix of religions has certainly helped create and stir up much of the hatred and fighting between believers of all forms of Christianity, the Palestinians and Israelis, and in latter years Pentecostalism has reared its ugly head. Which god do you believe in; Jesus, Jehovah, or Allah? Did the Israelis/Hebrews really play a part in the plot to kill Jesus?? Bribes are rife with each religion competing for power and money. I for one am very pleased that I am an atheist!! For more insight and the facts as to why this area of the Middle East is collapsing into its own kind of hell, please read this book if you can find a copy. Libraries should have it.



Jacob’s Bridge Across Time


Painting and Poem Jacob’s Bridge Across Time Copyright To Anne Frandi-Coory –

All rights reserved  27 March 2013  –

Painting acrylic on canvas 60cm x 91cm


The poem Jacob’s Bridge Across Time was published in: The Australia Times Poetry Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 24.


Granddad, oh how could you leave
before I had time to question?
A child I was too young to grieve;
where have you been, what have you done?

Oh yes, your diary I have read
how you travelled and how you learned.
But there’s so very much left unsaid
from your own lips I long to hear

Along countless streets you have walked
in this fair country and in that.
To many people you have talked
alas, not to the woman I’ve become.

Across vast oceans you have sailed
such a brave soul to take on such.
Through hardships and illness you’ve prevailed
and gave me life through your son

So many if onlys I have in mind
of what we could have discussed.
I’m so sure, granddad, we’re of a kind
kindred spirits still in touch

A bright future you handed down to us
leaving Lebanon’s snowy mountains
where cedars hug like green cumulus
your little village nestled safely within.

Fat grapes clinging to their vine
olive trees abundantly grow there.
For that fertile crescent did you pine
and the family you left behind.

I see you walking across the bridge of time
and I imagine we’re holding hands
what a journey that would have been
sharing together, life’s shifting sands


Hi, happy to discover your blog. Just read your poem, ‘Jacob’s Bridge Across Time’…a wonderful tribute it is.   Greetings from India… 🙂  Maniparna Sengupta Marjumder 

Dedicated to my Lebanese grandfather, Jacob Habib El Khouri Eleishah Fahkrey (Coory) as I remember him:



Also published in DRAGONS, DESERTS and DREAMS  in 2017 : Read reviews Here

Available here at AMAZON in Kindle e book or paperback  


Sketches by Khalil Gibran, Lebanon’s most famous poet



“… …..But you should also be proud that your mothers and fathers came from a land upon which God laid his gracious hand and raised his messengers.” –

Khalil Gibran  I believe in you (1926)

Gibran 2


My house says to me, ‘Do not leave me, for here dwells your past.’ And the road says to me, ‘Come and follow me, for I am your future.’ And I say to both my house and the road, I have no past, nor have I a future. If I stay here, there is a going in my staying; and if I go there is a staying in my going. Only love and death change all things.- Khalil Gibran


Kahlil G


kahlil gibran 001


Poetry is not an opinion expressed. It is a song that rises from a bleeding wound or a smiling mouth.” – Khalil Gibran

Dedicated to all the poets and writers in the Middle East who have been murdered in their peaceful pursuit of freedom for their country.


Pity The Nation Of Lebanon…. …… tribute to Khalil Gibran……

Charles Freeman’s book about civilisations of the Ancient Mediterranean

I have just been reading Egypt, Greece and Rome; Civilisations of the Ancient Mediterranean by Charles Freeman , published 1999.  What an amazing book of 638 pages.

Not as much of a chore to read as you might think. The author breaks the book into easy to follow chapters and titled paragraphs.  He uses date charts, date lists, events and maps to great effect and to which I referred constantly during the reading of the book.

The book has given me a better insight into the pre-history of these amazing civilisations, and to their relevance today. Mr Freeman takes the reader on an epic journey from Egypt in 4,500 BC to Eastern and Western Empires up to 1000 AD.  He brings together the most interesting and salient stories. In one sense, not much has changed.  Constant wars, plagues, atheism, religious diversity,polemics, politics, the fight for democracy, all played a part.

Carthage (now Tunisia) , for instance, was a prosperous and thriving Phoenician city in the 5th Century BC, and Greece was pioneering philosophy and   theatre.   Greek philosophers travelled the Mediterranean teaching students to “look” at both sides of an argument.  Trading goods between the various states was the chief activity that brought so many disparate groups together.  What I also loved about this book, are the references to legend and myth, and how they intertwined everyday life across the Mediterranean world. I especially enjoyed the sections on Classical Greece, a favourite era of mine, and the references to its literature.

In Chapter 14, Mr Freeman expands on the 5th Century origins of drama (one of the greatest of Athenian Inventions, by no means a universal human experience),  poetry, tragedy, theatre with such names as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, and Aristophanes, that satirical playwright extraordinaire.

During these times, beliefs in various gods were tied in with natural events,  human frailty and excesses.  Travel was relatively easy throughout Greece and the Mediterranean, and even non-citizens could find skilled work. Differing versions of the genealogy of gods wasn’t a hindrance, and most visitors ‘slotted in’ with local lore.

It was interesting to read the section on Sophists. The original meaning of the word ‘Sophist’ was anyone with exceptional talent.  However, members of this group were attacked  by both Plato and Aristophanes (satirically) for daring to present arguments  for and against any motion. Sophists can be credited with pioneering the study of religion as a social and anthropological phenomenon according to Mr Freeman. They disagreed strongly with the belief that there was some divine principle at work in the Universe. (Modern atheists, take note!) The Sophist, Protagoras, spent most of his life as a travelling teacher. He wrote: “Concerning the gods, I am unable to discover whether they exist or not, or what they are like in form; for there are many hindrances to knowledge, the obscurity of the subject and the brevity of human life.”  He proclaimed: “Man is the measure of all things.”   Athens was implementing democratic governance at this time and Protagoras’ proclamation could be taken as the slogan of democratic Athens.  Other Sophists suggested that gods originated in man’s experience of nature. The various gods had been created as personifications of natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, rivers, water and fire. To the Sophists men of shrewd and subtle minds invented for man the fear of the gods, to “frighten the wicked even if they acted, spoke or thought in secret.”  By the end of the century free thinking on religious matters was less tolerated.  Pestilence, war, tyrants and destruction killed optimistic fervour.

I wonder, is this what is happening in our world now?


-Anne Frandi-Coory  1 February 2011




Also here on Anne Frandi-Coory’s Facebook page:

Mary & Jesus? No, actually Ancient Greek statue Tyche or Fortuna, the centre figure of a flourishing cult

Lebanon is dying

‘Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming  itself a nation’ – Kahlil Gibran.

The above picture illustrates what can happen in a Lebanese street when a fight breaks out over parking space; a four-hour street war leaving three people dead.  Members of  small, well armed private armies roam the streets of Beirut.

Photo from article written byAssociated Press Writer Elizabeth A. Kennedy

Not only are Lebanese separating themselves from the Arab world, but when asked who we are, we answer with “ana Shia” or “ana Sunni” or “ana Maruni” (meaning I am Shia, I am Sunni, I am Maronite). Within the small country of Lebanon there are around 16 major religions. As if  we could make ourselves any more complex, we specify not only if we are Arab or Phoenician, but what kind of Lebanese we are. This demonstrates how complex it is for some people to just say “Ana Libnani” (meaning I am Lebanese).

The separation within the nation has caused many disputes and countless deaths. Is it really that hard to just say you are Lebanese? – contribution from another blog

See  Understanding the Arab Mind