
Tag Archives: Evan Chronis


A new Hero is in Town!

Serpent 1

This is another epic, spell binding story I could not put down! One of my favourite authors, Luciana Cavallaro writes in a way that places you smack in the middle of whatever is happening in Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, or in Perth, Western Australia!  There is nothing about Ancient Greek gods Luciana hasn’t researched and studied, and when Zeus appears before Evan Chronis to give him an urgent Herculean task, you are there to witness it! – Anne Frandi-Coory

Also on Anne Frandi-Coory’s facebook page

The Search for the Golden Serpent is on……… 

Read on *************************

Meet Evan Chronis, a talented architect from Perth, Australia with a chronic sleeping problem. His dreams are so vivid they feel real. Did he actually go for a swim while he slept? They begin to affect his work and health.  He seeks medical help to find out what’s happening to him.

In Search for the Golden Serpent (eBook published March 27) Evan meets Zeus, the King of the Gods. Zeus tells him in order to get back home he must journey through forgotten worlds, lost in antiquity.


Here’s more:

serpent 2It’s not where he appears, it’s when.

What if you’re born during another time, grew up in the 21st century and then were thrust back into the past? Confused? So is architect, Evan Chronis.

Evan, drawn by screams, ventures out to his backyard and sees blood trickling down the limestone stairs. He steps off the veranda and finds himself in the days of great and marvellous power, a time when the gods ruled the universe.

To return to the 21st century life he longs for, he must risk his life in search of powerful, treasured relics older than the Holy Grail. But what he finds might be more than he expected.

Will Evan find the relics and return home or will he remain forever stuck in a world so different from his own?

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Historical fiction fantasist Luciana Cavallaro, and a secondary teacher, meanders from contemporary life to the realms of mythology. Luciana has always been interested in Mythology and Ancient History but her passion wasn’t realised until seeing the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. From then on, her inspiration to write Historical Fantasy was borne.

She is the author of 5 ebooks and 1 paperback and has spent many lessons promoting literature and the merits of ancient history. Subscribe to her free short story at

You can connect with Luciana Cavallaro via:

serpent 3Website








MORE REVIEWS of books written by Luciana Cavallaro: