
Tag Archives: Family favourite

This is a traditional Italian family favourite dessert recipe.


(Serving dish: At least 24cm x 24cm x 6cm high)


500 mls stove top strong coffee, allow to cool

600 mls thickened cream

250 g Mascarpone (Italian cream cheese)

1/3 cup of brandy

½ cup castor sugar

20 – 24 sponge fingers (Savoiardi) download

2 teaspoons of cocoa powder

40g block of dark chocolate finely grated



Pour cooled coffee into a shallow bowl.

Beat cream, mascarpone, brandy, and castor sugar with electric beaters until resembles whipped cream.

Dip the sponge fingers (enough to cover bottom of serving dish) into the coffee one at a time, turning so they are well coated but not soggy. Use a spatula to spread ½ the cream mixture over the fingers to cover completely. Dust over 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder and then some grated chocolate.

Repeat the layer once.

Cover with cling wrap and leave in the fridge for a minimum of four hours or overnight if possible. Remove from the fridge and dust with remaining grated chocolate and serve immediately.

