
Tag Archives: My Lebanese father

Poem PHOTOGRAPH and Photographic Image  © Copyright To Anne Frandi-Coory

– All Rights Reserved  7 February 2012 



Dedicated to my Lebanese father, Joseph Jacob Habib Eleishah Coory


A fleeting encounter

like an unopened rose

remains eternally

inside a withered heart

never to blossom

on a summer’s day

never to slowly fade.

Time mellows into memory

his face, his voice

cushioning past intensity

once a storm

now just a photograph

The man who was but shouldn’t have been


My father Joseph, a long awaited first son, was a very sick new-born who wasn’t expected to survive. But against all odds, he lived. However, so certain were his parents that he would not survive, they neglected to register his birth. He spent the rest of his life, prone to illnesses. He ate a very limited diet and for all legal matters used another Lebanese man’s birth certificate, whose surname therein was spelt ‘Coori’.  When I discovered my father’s fake birth certificate with the misspelled name and the wrong birth date, I assumed that the department of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Dunedin, had made the mistakes. During my extensive research into my Lebanese family tree and history, the truth was laid bare. – Anne Frandi-Coory

BELOW: Joseph with his beloved dog, Tim, outside 103 Maitland Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, where I lived with him during my early teens. 

Joseph and Tim 103 Maitland St Dunedin




2nd edition (2020) Dragons Deserts and Dreams

Available now in Kindle e book and paperback